Happy Thanksgiving

If you celebrate the holiday I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!! If you’re traveling Happy and safe travels as well.

I’m so grateful this year for

  • having good health
  • I know I say it always & every year, but I’m most grateful and blessed for my life & getting to have a 2nd chance at this crazy thing we call life. (more about why I’m grateful)
  • my fur kids( 5 kitties in all now 3 inside & 2 outside and hoping for a puppie soon.)
  • my friends
  • all the beautiful things in nature
  • for having an opportunity to work with some amazing charities and organizations that all are about helping out everyone from animals, to people & nature.
  • and the list continues on, but these are some of the things that I’m most grateful for this year

Blog Action Day 2009 : Climate Change

Today is Blog Action Day. It happens every year on Oct. 15, it’s an event that unites bloggers worldwide, to spread the word about a particular issue. This year’s it’s about Climate Change.

Climate Change is part of Global Warming and it’s defiantly effecting our environment. They are many ways you can do your part and help change our environment. Just some of them are:

  • Carpool
  • Recycle
  • Telecommute
  • Bike or Walk to work
  • Use Green Products
  • Use CFLs
  • Use Energy Star products
  • buy a fuel-efficient car
  • know your carbon foot print & try to reduce it
  • eat more organic & local grown veggies & fruits

The list goes on what you can do to help with the environment, I do everything I can like recycling, telecommuting, composting, saving rain water to use to water the plants, use cfls, have a fuel-efficient car, eat only organic & locally grown veggies, using, Energy Star products, shutdown my computer or other appliances when they are not in use,  keeping the heat  turn down or not using heating/AC at all. (don’t mind wearing a hoodie  around the house  or keeping the windows open in the spring,  fall or winter). etc.

You don’t have to do everything I do or mentioned here, but if everyone just did a little something like using CFL light bulbs, carpool or even recycle, it would help out in a big way.

Happy & Healthy Living!

As most know I’ve been trying to adapt to healthier a lifestyle to becoming a vegetarian. It’s been a year in the making, but I’m still continuing to reach my goals.  I’ve had a lot of ups and downs  from having surgery last year to losing focus,  but I’ve manged to get back on track and it’s paying off. Since starting back in early 2008 I’ve managed to eat mostly only organic foods and give up processed foods, trans fats foods, caffeine, salt, and any food or drinks with artificial sweeteners.

Since June  I’ve been solely relaying on vegetables, soy products, beans, grains, etc. as a source of protein, fiber, and nutrients. From that I feel great and plus have tons more energy than I did before.  I’m still trying to get more active  by doing yoga, running/walking/hiking to mountain  biking as well. Don’t get to do those things a lot, but  I’m working toward  trying to do more.

It’s been a journey, but one in the end will make me feel better, hopefully live longer and reduce my chances of getting any serious medical conditions that I could face as I get older, since  I have a lot that run in my family.