A Sunny Outlook

Wow, these past couple of weeks has been busy with work. I’m happy to announce that one of the websites I’ve been working on has officially launched.  Laugh for the Cure® is a website I’ve been working on for a while now, I was happy to get to release this past week. I did the whole site design and coding  for that site, although we did have a strict design guideline that Komen National  had set forth for us to follow.

Now I’m done with that project I just started on another project, that I hope to release soon as well. I always enjoy starting a project, but always hate when they come to a end.

Lots of Designing…..

I’ve been designing a lot lately some personal, but mostly for clients.My latest client project was designing a logo for E-Quint Consulting. Plus I’m still working on finishing the new design for Laugh for the Cure, which is a local Charlotte, NC Susan G. Komen for the Cure Affiliate. Plus I just finished up giving AlterCube’s Cubestudio.org website a slight refresh too. I’m  will also  be starting some new projects that I’m partnering with a few design companies too.  Most will be websites, but others will be logos, print materials ( business cards, brochures, etc.) and ads. 

I’m still always for hire as a freelancer or contractor  if anyone needs to hire someone to build a website or print marketing items. If you would like to hire me feel free to contact via My portfolio, or My Blog. If you need to hire a web firm, then I highly recommend my design colleagues over at AlterCube too.

Another Design: Punk Rock Chick…

The other day I created this this graphic of a punk rock chick. I’m currently using this icon on some of the social media websites I belong to like Twitter or myspace.